let’s explore!

my name is Jordan Petteys—i am a tactile storyteller.

tear the veil

tear the veil

inspired by the earth’s rotation around the sun, this project initially conveys that we orbit around ourselves. we see the world through the lens of a sheer veil which creates a dull and dissatisfying tint, prompting nothing but complacency. every once in awhile, an act of horror tears the veil, but a tear is all. we step outside ourselves to send thoughts and prayers, we make aggressive and condescending social media posts blaspheming the government and the world and recognize that still, nothing has changed. bitterly, we scapegoat each other: the world is a terrible place, we are a species destroying itself, and nobody with power actually cares enough to do something.


however, our brokenness is an issue of the heart, and not of the law. by his own curiosity, he  ventures into the tear, breaking the circular pattern he once lived in before by his change in heart. and then the breakthrough--where the hands meet a new, crisp and vibrant freedom. the old has gone, the new has come, he sees life beyond the veil and experiences life in its most beautiful intent.


there are many things, like heartbreak, circumstance, loss, failure, and sin which creates a tear in the veil. the tear represents Jesus--Matthew 27 says that when Jesus died and was resurrected, the temple curtain was torn in two. a world without the love of God is the world that we live in now; it is brutal, it is unforgiving, it is deadly, it is unfulfilling. we are undeserving of anything different, but Jesus has come to save the world by his blood. 


He is the way, the truth, and the life. in His love is abundant joy, peace, hope, forgiveness, and gentleness. if we choose love, this beautiful, undying, never failing, endless, ceaseless love, then humanity will be changed inevitably by the spirit of the living God who dwells in us. there is freedom in Him: the same God who loves us in all our brokenness has a purpose and a will for our lives--He takes us as marred clay, imperfect and flawed, and molds into something unmistakably beautiful, viewer, he literally died to give you life. take heart, this Jesus who i love and who loves you has overcome the world. this same love that has given me hope when I was hopeless, peace when i was fearful, forgiveness when i was broken, and love when i was lost, has come for you too. He is ready to hug you, to give you hope and a future, to make your burden light. He is present in our pain, He is good, and He has sent me here to tell you how much He loves you. 


tear the veil.

the miracle in the mundane

breath of life

breath of life